Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Sprinkles of Affirmation

I love when God sprinkles us with affirmation! What I mean is sometimes we make little or big decisions that have been prayed for and I believe align with God's will and purpose for our lives, but then the naysayers and Satan's negative words and doubt creep in and tell you all the lies. But this week, God has blessed me with sprinkles of affirmation in our big decision to move to Celeste. 

Here are some sprinkles of affirmation I felt like I have received in the past few days...
1. Get out of the boat! The sermon on Sunday by Scott Marshall was focused on Peter and he talked about how he got out of the boat. What an crazy act! He got out of the boat during a storm and walked on water. All the other apostles thought Peter was crazy and I tend to agree with them. I'm sure people think our idea to move to an 800 person town an hour away from family and friends and work on a "broken" house (according to my 5 year old niece) seems crazy. And sometimes I might have agreed. But we were looking into a small storm of our own and decided to get out of the boat. In training last night with my jewelry company, we are told to "Do it afraid" and I feel like that goes hand in hand with getting out of the boat. Sometimes we have to take a step/walk/crawl/leap of faith, do it afraid, and do it anyway. Also, with Sunday's sermon he talked about not ever giving up. Never ever! So what is it that we might give up? Our dreams, our hopes and wishes, our goals? Some people give up their integrity or values to chase after things. Some people give up when things get tough or solo or dreary. And at times, Satan tempts me with these little tidbits to give up or negative thoughts that I know are not from the Lord. This week I am convinced that God is affirming me that we got out of the boat, made our decision, do it afraid and don't give up on what He is going to do from this situation. 

2. Our bible class has been doing a study on the book of Proverbs. Lots of nuggets of wisdom. So Proverbs 19:21 is my second sprinkle of affirmation! 

The top version is NIV and the bottom version is ESV. We have plans but the Lord's PURPOSE will prevail--it will STAND. So no matter what plans I have, as long as I submit them to the Lord, HE will weave HIS purpose into my plans and my life. So in our move, in our fixer upper, in our crazy adventure, God has shown up and revealed himself to me and to us in phenomenal ways! So no matter what steps we take, AS LONG AS I SUBMIT MY PLANS TO THE LORD, His purpose will prevail. That is so comforting to me!

3. Our dogs LOVE our backyard! It's so much fun and has so much room for them to play and run around and wear themselves out! I have been enjoying spending time in the shade of our pecan tree this morning watching them run, play and lounge. They are having a blast and I love it! I love that we have a great amount of yard! More blessings will come of this! 

Check out my view this morning... I feel peace here and THAT is invaluable!





Those are horses! Real ones on the other side of my fence!

And then of course, my dogs try to find ways of escape, so this morning I made my very own section of fence from the rails to the pickets. Maybe this isn't a big deal to you, but I used all the power tools correctly and finished up a section of our fence. I can do things for my house! And it's awesome!

I love my adventure and God is sprinkling bits of affirmation which is the love language that speaks loudest to me! Thank you God for your blessings! 

1 comment:

  1. Samantha, I love your heart and I love the phrase "sprinkles of affirmation". Sometimes we want a big sign from God that we're doing the right thing. But sometimes He chooses small ways - "sprinkles" to affirm us. I'm happy for this journey you have begun and pray you and Shae will continue to feel His affirmations and enjoy this journey.
