Saturday, May 12, 2018

Full Kitchen, Full Heart

My house is nowhere close to a complete project... but what I have wanted for a long time is to be a hostess again. I LOVE having people over. One of my birthday wishes for this year was to have people over st the house. My neighbors always have us over because they are the best people ever. But we are finally getting to a place where we have semi-entertaining place. We are getting together parts of our kitchen.. we are on the cusp of finalizing it. We are so close of finishing projects to finish the space...

This is an old possum belly upper cabinet.... the bottom is on the porch to be installed soon..

This upper was a gift from a dear friend as a house warming gift that we absolutely LOVE on the wall... 

And we installed two ceiling fans in the kitchen. For a house that does not have central AC, ceiling fans are heavenly.

But tonight y’all. I was in my happy place. My neighbors came over on a whim and they ate dinner at OUR house. We were able to serve and bless friends and family. We were able to feast and fellowship. It’s been a great day and I am thankful and blessed.