Saturday, June 3, 2017

Immensely Grateful

Have you ever been overwhelmed by gratitude and gratefulness?! That is how I have been feeling these past few days. I just finished on Tuesday my best year of teaching that I have had yet. I am married to the best guy I know and my best friend. I have PHENOMENAL neighbors! And I have the best circle of friends EVER.

Growing up, I never had one group of friends that I felt 100% myself with. I had friends, no doubt, and great ones even. But I never had that group of friends that you see strewn all over Facebook. I have always been envious of those people. I always, growing up, wondered if I would ever get those kind of friends.

You know... the kinds of friends that... you build a fence at your new house an hour away. you lay subfloor in your kitchen and tear out the old stuff..
...the ones that call and say I am having a garage sale tomorrow and need help setting up (and we miss you)
...invite you over for dinner just because they want to spend time with you. when they have a family pet pass away and they know you'll totally understand and come over to hang out to help ease the emptiness. to tell you a story instead of text because they want to hear you.
...check up on you when you are having a rough day or you haven't heard from in a while. don't get to see near as often as you like but the friendship is strong.
...go to lunch with you just to hang out and spend time together.

And since we have moved out, I am also so thankful for the neighbors God has blessed us with. It's fun being able to be a part of a family and the kids' lives (even if it's just small stuff). But we have been blessed with the best neighbors! I feel like this is what neighbors are supposed to be like---help each other out in big and small ways, whether it's unloading our trailer or helping them build a fence. Our move out here would not be near as wonderful without the neighbors that we have. I hope they know how much we love them and are blessed by them! 

I always wondered if I would EVER have a kind of life that blessed me with friends like that. And I have those people. I can think of about 12 friends that fit into this category for me. I call these people my framily. These are the friends that have become my family and today I just feel so grateful for where we have ended up in life. 

I used to dream about my future and never in my wildest dreams did I imagine a life like this. Country living, a framily better than anything, and a teaching job that I can (probably) retire in. What a blessing!

About the house... we have to fix the foundation--get the house releveled, which has stopped almost all finishing work on the inside. So we have been doing work on the outside by the carport and trying to get that in good enough shape. In the meantime, summertime has officially begun. Our anniversary trip and river trip are next week and then we go back to slowly but surely working on bits and pieces of our house.